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Who is OXO?

Our Story

Originality x Opportunity encompasses the balance of the internal & external battles we face in life.  While Originality is an internal battle we face, Opportunity is the external battle we face. 

 The path to Originality is a long road. We here at OXO believe that the first step to Originality is self-empowerment.  When we Empower ourselves we decide to take control of our lives. It takes real commitment to one's self to understand who we are, our strengths, skills, and places for improvement. 

​Through a lot of trial and error, time, patience, sacrifices, and faith we can find our originality. This stage is called self-cultivation. This is when the plan turns into action. This is when we begin to cultivate our skills and develop who we are (preparing for Opportunity). Then, when the opportunity comes, we are ready to embrace it, while staying true to our self, values, and beliefs. 

​Opportunity is the external battle we face. Opportunity is not necessarily in one's control, but it is something that we can prepare ourselves for. Many factors determine one's ability to obtain Opportunity. But we believe that those who embrace their identity and uniqueness are the ones who are prepared to take Opportunity as it comes. 

​Finally, the next step of this journey is the connection between the individual and their community. By attaining this Opportunity, developing newfound knowledge, and cultivating oneself, the next step is to Inspire others by building your community. To this end, we aspire to promote our vision for development: the biggest impact on a community comes from its members within. Community engagement is the end goal of the Empowerment, Cultivation, and Inspiring process- by lifting yourself, the ultimate goal is to empower those around you as well. 

​We here at OXO believe firmly that everyone here deserves an equal Opportunity. We believe that race, gender, immigration status, how one identifies, income, etc should not define the Opportunities they are presented. Rather, their unique characters, original ideas, and interests, as well as their drive and determination, should be the key factors in realizing their full potential and all the opportunities life has to offer them. 

A Socially Conscious Brand

OXO is a not-for-profit social enterprise; none of the organization’s earnings are for the motive of profit maximization. Our goal is to utilize proceeds from sales, and other services, to fund our various initiatives that benefit the community. Revenue will be reinvested into our projects for capacity building- i.e. increasing the scale of our projects to be able to reach the greater community and to deliver more impact. Our directors and board members are not paid salaries, bonuses, or any form of compensation. The original fund that led to the creation and start of the OXO project was sponsored by its directors.

Our aim with OXO was to have a positive influence on our communities in areas that we are passionate about.

Jamal Bernardez (Co-Founder/CEO)

OXO empowers people, when you level up individuals you level up the communities they are from.

Wissem Bouali (Co-Founder/CFO)

What we DO

Brand Creation

OXO shares its vision and values through brand creation and promotion. We create streetwear that promotes our values of originality and creativity and that includes our community as valuable partners in building a culture based on these values.

Non-Profit Engagement

We use our Bay Area Social Justice Spotlight page to highlight non-profits who are serving their communities and provide them with the means to realize their potential. We also use our Pledge X and the red QR code to support non-profits. 

Promote Community Engagement

OXO provides access to information that connects people to opportunities. By making information accessible through various forms of media, we are able to ensure resources are equitably utilized and inspire others to share and support those who may need it.

OXO's Initiatives

OXO looks to accomplish its mission and vision through multiple different initiatives. Read more about our initiatives below!

Pledge X

Our belief that all individuals should be given the chance to reach their own potential informs our decision to donate 10% of earnings from merchandise sales to local nonprofits that are bridging the gap between underprivileged communities and opportunities to grow and develop. Our organization seeks to promote the work of other non-profits whose missions align with our own: Empowering communities from within and promoting their unique identities as a means to their growth and development.  Every merchandise drop, a non-profit will be chosen for our Pledge X project, based on their mission and the work they have done to help their communities. 


Non-Profit engagement is a key element of OXO’s mission. Our Bay Area Social Justice Spotlight highlights local non-profits to help them achieve their mission of supporting others and creating a more equal and just society. OXO's mission is to promote community engagement and development- and this mission is embedded our clothing as well. We hope to create a culture of engagement and inspire others to support the non-profit work in their communities. All our BASJS posts are followed by a call to action to volunteer, support, and/or donate to the causes that inspire you to engage in your community.